How to talk to survivors

Why it's important to know how to talk to survivors

People who are not trained to talk to survivors often say the wrong thing even when they mean well. Some people do not understand that violence online is equal to, and sometimes has an even greater impact than, violence offline. Survivors often go through the same psychological trauma and face real threats in both instances.

Self-care: coping and healing

Self-care: a self-initiated, deliberate act to establish and maintain physical, mental and emotional health.

Even if you are not facing physical violence, the effects of incidents such as online harassment, privacy violations and SMS abuse can cause real harm and take a lot out of you. You may find that you feel lonely, drained or depressed. This is also true for people working with survivors or moderating content.

Love in the time of the internet

A storyline of love, sex and exploration in the digital era. Why do internet rights matter?

Check out the resources in the clickable infographic below, share it and join us to defend an internet where we can explore our desires, fall in love, and express our sexualities freely, without discrimination or threats to our safety.

accessexplorationautonomysecuritycommunityprivacyconsentfreedomexpressioninformationagencyanonymityEROTICS Website@takebackthetech://EROTICSTakeBackTheTechAssociation for Progressive Communications

A storyline of love, sex and exploration in the digital era. Why do internet rights matter?

Check out the resources in the clickable infographic below, share it and join us to defend an internet where we can explore our desires, fall in love, and express our sexualities freely, without discrimination or threats to our safety.